This farm’s remarkable and historic journey began in the Village of Hogla in 1933. Hogla village is part of the Heffer valley, which is half way between Tel Aviv and Haifa . A family run business since its early days, this farm today produces a variety of high quality flowers and fruit orchids. The founders of the farm whose vision from the onset has continued to this day is courtesy of the able and skilled management from their daughter Zlila and her husband Israel Ben Aharon.
The farm is now anchored as a market leader and rightfully so. As a business enterprise, the farm’s motto is heavily founded on innovation that is based on research and the development of new flower varieties, and decorative fruits that can be grown successfully all year round.
During our interview with Ben Aharon, he informed us that the farm sits on a total of 200 Dunams ( 20 Hectare) of land, located within the Heffer Valley. The valley is known as one of the best agricultural soll in Israel. According to Ben Aharon, It is important to note that before the formation of the village, this area was a swamp land. Thereafter through hard work and ingenuity, it was then developed and made available for agriculture by the first pioneers of the village.
He further affirms that conservation efforts on the village were also put in place by the pioneers. This was achieved by reserving and protecting a certain part of the swamp around the village to be used by migrating birds as a stop over when they move between Europe and Africa.
On the aspect of the weather suitability in the region, Ben Aharon confirms that the climate around the Heffer valley is sub tropical all year round. This climate, he adds, makes the region ideal for Pomegranate farming. In fact on this valley, as Aharon interestingly states,” Pomegranates have been grown here for many decades and what’s more, they were even known to have been grown on this region during the Biblical period.” He further adds that for wax flowers, whose origins are from Australia, are also grown here; he explains that the climate in Australia and the Heffer valley are indeed quite similar. It is therefore always easy for the farmers on the valley to then successfully grow and produce wax flowers for the market.

Pomegranates almost ready for harvest

Red pomegranates blossoming on Israel Ben Aharon’s Farm

Wax Flowers
In putting maximum effort into every aspect of their business, the farm has solidified its position as one of the best producers of Pomegranate BeautyGranate® (called Beauty® in Europe). Ben Aharon points out that this particular variety is not only one of the best when it comes to its use in decoration; it is also the only sort that has received Variety Rights in both Israel and Europe. In the same breath, the farm has made great strides in production by introducing new varieties of the wax flower, namely the ITAI®, URI®, OR® and PURPLE P®. “These wax flowers,” as Aharon is proud to mention, “are indeed considered to be unique as they come in different shapes when compared to all of the ordinary ones.”
Workers Motivation
The farm employs 6 permanent workers in addition to the farmers (Israel and zlila). The farm also uses the services of temporary workers who are hired on a needs only basis.
Ben Aharon told us, that the farm has come up with a number of ways, that they employ to motivate their staff. Examples of these include. Provision of free housing for all workers within the farm. This as an incentive allows them to not only have autonomy on one hand, and saves them the time that it would take if they had to commute on a daily basis. Additionally the farm has allocated every permanent worker a garden around their homes. This idea effectively enables them to cultivate and grow their favorite vegetables that they use for their own consumption.
Also a few times in a year, the farm takes the time to organize leisure trips for their workers to visit historical sites in Israel. This enables them to gain informative knowledge about Israel as a country. And because most of them are foreign workers, Ben Aharon informs us that they have introduced professional training workshops for them. This he says, is done as one of their strategies aimed at increasing the workers technical knowledge and capacity on new farming methods. The knowledge can then be applied not only on the farm but also in their native countries thereby assisting them in their agricultural growth.
All of the above measures are undertaken by the farm with the sole purpose of improving the workers welfare and adding to their motivation in a considerable way.

Pomegranates being transported after harvesting
Farming Methods and Environment Protection.
During the growing and post harvesting periods Ben Aharon states, “Quality procedures are always put in place at every stage of the process, this is done to ensure as a farm we are able to meet the specific requirements of all our clients.” The farm, he adds, also employs the best techniques during all cultivation processes on its fields. In addition to this, great care is put in place when in comes to the protection of the environment. The farm has made consious decisions to reduce the amount of chemicals and insecticides that are used. This is mainly done by reducing Fluent combine entomological pest control.

High quality wax flowers ready for the market
The farm has experienced a few challenges as most farms in Israel do. Ben Aharon informs the team that one of the major challenges that affects them, is with the issue of water availability. The water that is used for agriculture in many parts of Israel is actually regarded as a scarce resource. This in turn makes any water that the farm needs and uses very expensive. “As a result,” Aharon says, “planning and controlling the water that is used for consumption and production is essential as one of the measures taken in preventing waste as well as minimizing production costs.”
Another challenge he points out is on the research processes that are primarily needed when trying to discover and deciding on any new products to be grown on the farm. This process he says, is at times very difficult and expensive.
However measures have been put in place in efforts to overcome the above challenges, and they include:
- Seeking valuable advice and crucial information from agricultural research consultants. These consultants assist the farm in the development of new varieties for production.
- The owners of the farm are members of the Grower Committees. The committees make key decisions on the steering and financing of research in the development of new products. As a result the farm benefits through receiving all first hand information on the best products available to be grown but also which of these are the most profitable on the market.
Flower Optimal Connection Relationship
Israel Ben Aharon informs us that Flower Optimal has remained one the farm’s most trusted partners in the decorative flower business over the years. This relationship he adds, provides the farm with key information and feedback on all market situations in Europe together with all of their consumer preferences. This information enables the farm to make all necessary market adjustments that lead to increased profitability and continued growth.

Ben Aharon reviewing flowers which are ready for sale while on a visit to Optimal Connection.
In conclusion, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank Ben Aharon Israel for giving us this opportunity to learn more of their history and continued success. As F.Optimal Connection, we wish them all the best in all of their future ventures. For more information on this farm contact Dudi Bonomo, Head of Summer Flowers at Dudi@optimal-connection.com .