In week 18, Ishai Sharon, our Rose’s Department Manager, informed us that markets received a rather large quantity , this was more so in the case for the special red roses. According to him, this situation in turn created pressure on the market and prices were disappointing from low demands.

Ishai Sharon, Rose’s Department Manager
Week 19 however saw the market situation change in a dramatic and positive way, Ishai tells us that there was an exceptionally high demand of flowers which resulted in very high market prices. According to the sales reports given to Ishai by exporters and shops, on Mother’s Day they were all extremely successful and profitable. In fact on that last Monday all flowers had been sold out and the prices continued to be high.
The flower sales for the Polish Mother’s Day are going to be on the 26th of May 17, 2017 while France Mother’s Day will fall on the 28th of May 17, 2017 and because of this, Ishai states that markets have started to experience the demand being created by these particular days. Essentially for the France Mother’s Day, Ishai informs the team that he expects a very high demand for the short lengths and as he puts it, “You can see that the demand for short lengths is getting even better compared to the longer lengths. So my advice for producers is to please send them all now.”
Weather Forecast
Weather in Kenya is expected to be cloudy, while the quantity of rainfall supply is anticipated to be much lower. The Weather in Europe on the other hand is comfortable. Ishai advises us that we should expect in the next 2 weeks to observe very good market prices, therefore all producers should pay extra attention on the quality of flowers and to be extremely careful by ensuring they eradicate the problem of botrytis.
Important Notice
- Thursday May 25th,it is going to be the Ascension Day in Europe, all auctions will be closed.
- Monday the 5th of June will be Pentecost in Europe, all auctions will also be closed on that day.